Evaluations and Approvals as Designated Organization
BCJ has been designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as a fair and neutral body for the undertaking of evaluations and approvals.
As a designated organization under the Building Standards Act, BCJ carries out performance evaluations, such as for super high-rise structures and designated materials. It also provides type approvals for prefabricated housing and for building equipment and carries out factory inspections. BCJ is also a designated organization under the Housing Quality Assurance Act, evaluating innovative technologies and materials concerning housing with earthquake resistance and sound insulation, etc., and provides type approvals for housing and factory inspections.
Certification of Seismic Assessment
BCJ certifies the results of seismic assessments of existing buildings and seismic assessments of the reinforcement design of existing buildings. Certification is carried out swiftly and accurately. BCJ is also engaged in reinforcement design using seismic-isolation and seismic-response control technologies.
BCJ CASBEE Certification Service
BCJ certifies the results of evaluations of the built environment under the CASBEE system. CASBEE is a grading system based on assessment of the performance of the built environment. CASBEE is widely used by many private Japanese companies, such as construction companies, design offices, real-estate developers, etc., as a voluntary-basis evaluation tool for assessing the environmental performance of their buildings. Reflecting the growing needs of certification of assessment results by a third party, IBECs started the CASBEE Certification System in 2005.
BCJ is accredited by IBECs as a CASBEE Certification Organization. We began certification service in July 2008.
Review and Certification of Construction Technology
BCJ reviews and certifies various new construction technologies that are developed by the private sector. Objective reviews and certifications are conducted with respect to the propriety of data from experiments, analyses and other activities conducted by each applicant.